0.8 - 2.5 µm (4 channels) extension to 5 µm
4 readout lines of 1200x12 TDI pixels
15 µm pixel pitch
MCT Technology
- Versatile Architecture
- 100% Operability
- Space Proven Architercure
- On Board LSTM Mission
- ROIC Architecture - Snapshot integration type (IWR & ITR mode) / TDI on-chip (12 stages) / 1 analog output per readout line (Pseudo-differential mode, 2.1V maximum output voltage swing)
Operating Temperature
200K (nominal)
Linear infrared detector for space imaging applications.
LYNRED Linear CAPYORK is a large linear detector specially tailored for earth observation applications from SWIR up to MWIR spectra l range. Based on LYNRED space proven MCT technology, LYNRED Linear CAPYORK detector, developed in the frame of LSTM mission offers the highest level in terms of performance (100% operability, high frame rate, on-chip TDI…) and versatility (compatible design with staggered/butted configuration, gain selection, integration time adjustment per readout line…).
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